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Take full advantage of our website’s  Star IconPRO  features

...and it’s free, request it now!

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What do I get?
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Download 3D/CAD Files
Gain unrestricted access to the largest library of contract furniture CAD files, which are available in popular formats like MAX, SKP, RVT, etc..
upload file yellow icon
Export projects in various formats
Our projects are ideal for organising furniture, but it can also be a great way for you to present furniture schedule to customer with the export feature.
insert file yellow icon
Export product data sheets
Data sheets are print or email friendly files exportable from product page, which contain full product specification and pricing.
price yellow icon
View COM/COL Prices
If you are looking to get a product price excluding upholstery, as a PRO user you can access this through upholstery selector.
chair yellow icon
Add suggested products to projects
Suggested products give you ability to add products to your Project, which are not from our website, we’ll do our best to source them for you.
alternate chair yellow icon
Add alternative products
Take your project to the next level by including alternative products for any product slot. Keep your options open, without inflating budget.
upholstery pricing yellow icon
Upholstery Category Pricing
If you're still deciding on the specific upholstery for your product but want to include it in a project with a guide price, you can simply choose an Upholstery Price Category A, B, or C.
Who is it for?
Interior Designers
All our features are designed to make the working lifes of Interior designers easier. Even more so, if they specialise in Hospitality and commercial projects.
If you are a visualiser, working for one of the commercial or hospitality interior designers we work with, we’ll be happy to grant you PRO access.
FF&E Executives
Hospitality chains often employ FF&E executive to purchase their furniture. If you are one, you can count on a free PRO account on our website.
Request Your PRO Account
As long as you sign up with your work email and you fall in one of the above categories, we will be happy to grant you PRO account for free.